Using a co-creation approach bringing together innovators, care institutions, enterprises, public administrations, academia, associations and senior citizens, our Innovation Booster will foster a multidisciplinary, transsectorial user-centric innovation by funding the most promising pilot projects for a radical innovation dedicated to the well-being and aging-well of seniors.
Technological innovation is central to Silver Economy while making elderly people simple users. Social innovation in the field of gerontology is crucial to create and keep close connection with their feelings. Initiatives in the real-world challenge and develop new ways of living together, caring of each other and creating together. Their surest path to success lies in allowing and enabling direct and indirect users take responsibility and control of such innovation. That’s how both innovations will complement and succeed.
Success of our efforts to conceive and develop successful innovative solutions for seniors depends on a wide community that brings together a diversity of multiple skills and competences and works as interactive teams. Join our community by registering on our online open innovation platform to propose your ideas for radical innovation or to join existing teams to support them with your expertise and feedbacks!
Building a community for the joint development of innovations that successfully combine technological and social factors to improve the quality of life and care of older people.
Receive CHF 25,000 for the development
your project idea
Work together with experts and develop
your concepts on our co-creation
Get support with the transition from the
problem space to the solution space
Become a member of our community with experts from research, industrial policy and society
Stay up to date and get access to
the latest scientific findings
Communicate your solution to
members of the community,
policy makers and the business community
An open call for project proposals will be published on our website.
Innovation teams create a profile on Jointcreate
and submit a project proposal.
Innovation teams must take part in this workshop. They develop their ideas with the support of topic experts and create together with others in a one-day workshop.
The jury reviews the project ideas and decides which projects
will receive funding and development support.
The winning teams take part in a co-creation workshop in which the projects
are further developed and market access is established.
Innovation teams present their progress at the Unconference and share their experiences.